TimeWaver Bioresonance Treatment NYC
TimeWaver is a quantum bioresonace machine that works on the informational level. It can detect imbalance patterns on the mental, emotional, energetic and consciousness levels, before they manifest in the physical body.
The TimeWaiver quantum bioresonance machine in our New York City clinic is based on the principal of consciousness interaction that affects the matter and energy on the mental, emotional and physical levels.
This bioresonance machine consists of many types of databases that the system can search and evaluate.
TimeWaiver is a dynamic non-linear system (DNLS).
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German physician, was the creator of German New Medicine, also known in the past as German New Medicine and now called New Medicine.
Dr. Hamer had 90% success rate with his cancer patients, using his German New Medicine methods. He believed that all diseases originate in the brain and mostly are due to unresolved mental conflicts or emotional or mental shocks. HIs patients brain scans showed brain lesions corresponding to their cancer conditions and were confirmed by 'Siemens' scanning machine engineers as authentic.
TineWaver consciousness and energy field evaluation in many ways similar to the German New Medicine of Dr. Hamer as it may inform patients of their unresolved issues and offer hints for resolution and a healing path.
TineWaver consciousness and energy field evaluation in many ways similar to the German New Medicine of Dr. Hamer as it may inform patients of their unresolved issues and offer hints for resolution and a healing path.
Consciousness being your thinking, mental state and matter being physical manifestation.
This quantum machine works kind of like artificial intelligence and certain questions can be asked of the machine to gain an insight into person’s actions for a healthy resolution.
The machine operates on the principal of intention and the concept that "thought is material" and using that awareness as well as intention of the client and the practitioner. This quantum bioresonance machine also evaluates the conscious information received from the client and the practitioner and then communicates it to the client's conscious or energetic level, which manifests on all levels including the physical.
The TimeWaver machine was developed in Germany and works for the harmony of Body and Mind. This machine is information field technology that considers consciousness and information as foundations for evaluation and balancing the human system. This machine is a great tool for our NYC clients, who need clarity on the mental, emotional or subconscious and conscious levels.
Studies show that those people who have unresolved issues or experience mental shock in their lives are more likely to develop cancer. TimeWaver quantum function may suggest a path to person's problems and conflicts resoution and that in turn may lead to a healthier mental, emotional and physical states and quality of Life.
This quantum bioresonance system can suggest homeopathic medicine, evaluate your physical as well as emotional and psychological state of being. It can suggest a homeopathic remedy for your constitution or condition and then imprint it into an object or substance that you take internally or keep next to your body, like jewelry or an object.
TimeWaver bioresonance machine has chakra balancing and cleaning, conflict resolution in relationships or business, karmic influence, physical organs, heart variability software and much more. Balancing can be done on the conscious or energetic levels or both at the same time.
In Germany and some EU countries bioresonance is an accepted form of medicine, however in the USA it's experimental and alternative. Please note that the science and conventional medicine do not accept the idea of informational concept the statements above are not FDA approved and please seek medical advice from your MD.
TimeWaver Quantum Bioresonance Machine works on the informational level and can evaluate and provide clues to person's psychological state or unresolved metal issues.
This quantum machine works kind of like artificial intelligence and certain questions can be asked of the machine to gain an insight into person’s actions for a healthy resolution.
The machine operates on the principal of intention and the concept that "thought is material" and using that awareness as well as intention of the client and the practitioner. This quantum bioresonance machine also evaluates the conscious information received from the client and the practitioner and then communicates it to the client's conscious or energetic level, which manifests on all levels including the physical.
The TimeWaver machine was developed in Germany and works for the harmony of Body and Mind. This machine is information field technology that considers consciousness and information as foundations for evaluation and balancing the human system. This machine is a great tool for our NYC clients, who need clarity on the mental, emotional or subconscious and conscious levels.
Studies show that those people who have unresolved issues or experience mental shock in their lives are more likely to develop cancer. TimeWaver quantum function may suggest a path to person's problems and conflicts resoution and that in turn may lead to a healthier mental, emotional and physical states and quality of Life.
This quantum bioresonance system can suggest homeopathic medicine, evaluate your physical as well as emotional and psychological state of being. It can suggest a homeopathic remedy for your constitution or condition and then imprint it into an object or substance that you take internally or keep next to your body, like jewelry or an object.
TimeWaver bioresonance machine has chakra balancing and cleaning, conflict resolution in relationships or business, karmic influence, physical organs, heart variability software and much more. Balancing can be done on the conscious or energetic levels or both at the same time.
In Germany and some EU countries bioresonance is an accepted form of medicine, however in the USA it's experimental and alternative. Please note that the science and conventional medicine do not accept the idea of informational concept the statements above are not FDA approved and please seek medical advice from your MD.
TimeWaver Quantum Bioresonance Machine works on the informational level and can evaluate and provide clues to person's psychological state or unresolved metal issues.