Bioresonance Machine for home therapy. This device is based on electromagnetic skin conductivity testing and isoften used inour NYC clinic in Union Square.
Life Expert Profi Bioresonance system is a cloud based health balancing device.
This bio-resonance system evaluates 47 systems and organs in 60 seconds based on your electrical skin conductivity and determines blockages, pathogens and balances your organs to health.
Life Expert Profi Bioresonance system is a cloud based health balancing device.
This bio-resonance system evaluates 47 systems and organs in 60 seconds based on your electrical skin conductivity and determines blockages, pathogens and balances your organs to health.
Life Expert Bioresonance system is based on statistical data submitted by many patients around the World and calculates statistical probability of energetic state of your organs and systems and health in general.
Life Balance Bioresonance This Bioresonance machine comes with a portable device "Life Balance" as you see on the picture at the top of page to your right.
It is preloaded with 72 programs and a Bioresonance practitioner can write his own custom programs for his patients or himself.
A custom health balancing program is written by the machine as well for the patient to run while the device is in your pocket or under your pillow at night.
It is preloaded with 72 programs and a Bioresonance practitioner can write his own custom programs for his patients or himself.
A custom health balancing program is written by the machine as well for the patient to run while the device is in your pocket or under your pillow at night.
The system is used by many medical doctors and holistic health professionals from many countries, has comprehensive evaluation, balancing and multiple reporting functions.
Life Expert Bioresonance machine includes a portable device " Life Balance" and can be used for chronic health conditions or health maintenance and is useful for people who live far away from their practitioner. The system can be used for personal and professional use. |
Life Expert Bioresonance System is constantly improved by a talented team of scientists and medical professionals. The system software updates are automatically updated on your computer.
Life Balance portable device that comes either separately or with the system can be custom programmed for your home use. |
Life Expert Bioresonance Machine Functions
* Precise Evaluation of 47 organs and functions (in 60 seconds)
* Biological age assessment
* Organs and Systems hypoactivity (weakness) or hyperactivity (inflammation)
* Chakra - shows body and chakra energy status
*Aura Gram - displays weak or strong organs
* Toxicology report - shows possible toxins. Parasites probability assessment
* Vitamin absorption by the body
* Life Expert Bioresonance can test your vitamins, supplements, herbs or medications for personal body compatibility.
* The system quickly generates multiple easy to read reports
Life Expert Bioresonance Reports
Different Life Expert bioresonance reports. Upper left picture showes chakra energy, Upper right report showes weak organs in pale colors sign of energetic fiffciency. Inflammations are shown in orange, when present.
The bottoms picture, everything below the green line showes weakness, above access.
The bottoms picture, everything below the green line showes weakness, above access.
Some samples of numerous reports of Life Expert bioresonance system.
Upper left picture shoes Chakras being closed. Upper right picture displays organ system state of health. Different colors show weakness, normal or abnormal conditions.
Lower left shows diagrams and compares before and after tests and its relevance to the thick green line which is a perfect place to be in.
Upper left picture shoes Chakras being closed. Upper right picture displays organ system state of health. Different colors show weakness, normal or abnormal conditions.
Lower left shows diagrams and compares before and after tests and its relevance to the thick green line which is a perfect place to be in.
We are practitioners of Bioresonance and own many different Bioresonance machines.
Life Balance Bioresonance machine is the best for evaluation and ownership.
email or call us 212-533-1192
Life Balance Bioresonance machine is the best for evaluation and ownership.
email or call us 212-533-1192