Bioresonance NLS therapy in NYCNLS bioresonance therapy machines is used for evaluating and correcting your healththroughelectromagnetic frequencies.
This Bioresonance device uses headphones by accessing the vagus nerve for evaluation and balancing the body's electromagnetic energy to health and wellness. Bioresonance machine is for home therapy is good for those who want to improve their health. People who live far can save the time and money by doing this electromagnetic therapy at home. The NLS Bioresonance machine works by using vegaus nerve and uses haedphones NLS (Nonlinear Bioresonance Technology) in our New York City clinic evaluates and delivers quality therapy with 85% accuracy. The Biofeedback machine uses light and electromagnetic body waves to measure person's health by scanning the entire body and indicating energetic organ imbalance and pathology, bacteria, and parasites or viruses. Identifying active and inactive vaccinations and abnormal energetic organ functions. The machine can weken the energy of parasites, viruses and bacteria and strengthen weak organs to help the body heal. The NLS Bioresonance treatment system can also recommend foods to eat or avoid, as well as track health progress and make health forecasts based on the health data collected from an energetic body scan. The system also balances the body's system to health using special, safe frequencies beneficial to person's health and vitality.The full body scan on this machine takes about 20 min. Some body systems like resperatory or digestive may take as little as 2-5 minutes. |
In this video, of our bioresonance machine uses headphones by accessing the vagus nerve for evaluation and balancing the body's electromagnetic energy to health and wellness.
NLS Bioresonance therapy health evaluation protocols are based on such health microsystems as ears, Chinese Acupuncture , iridology, hair mineral analysis, bioenergetic field, chromosomes and of course internal organs and endocrine system. NLS bioresonance therapy system is very good for visual people who want to see their pathology in 3D. It is also good for working on a narrow problem or few problems at a time. NLS therapy can generate homeopathic medicines or digital signature herbs for home use. This machine allows harmonizing of your chromosome systems, endocrine system or any other body organs. The headphones are placed on your head and a vagus nerve response is used to identify weak organs and body functions and later balance them to health. This Bioresonance machine focuses on the smallest energetic entities to balance the rest of the body. |