Hyperthermia in NYC for Cancer and Lyme Disease
Hyperthermia therapy in NYC at our clinic is benefitial for cancer, malignant cancer cells, cancerous tumors, Lyme Disease, Lyme co-infections and the immune system.
Hyperthermia is referred to as fever therapy as it is often the body's natural response to raise body temperature to kill bacteria, parasites and pathogens. High heat can damage and kill cancer cells as well as many other ticks like Lyme and many other viruses and strengthen the immune system at the same time. Whole body hyperthermia can weaken cancer and kill malignant cells, Lyme and Lyme disease co-infections, pathogens, parasites, bacteria, viruses, herpes and HPV. Hyperthermia is based on the fever that humans get when they are sick and the body raises its core temperature to a high degree, fever like to burn the bacteria. Hyperthermia Benefits for Cancer and Lyme Disease
Pathogen deactivation (parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi)
Detoxification Immune System Strengthening Helps Depression Pain Reduction Blood Circulation Lymphatic System May benefits Lyme and Cancer conditions Core body temperature is elevated during the hyperthermia therapy producing more white blood cells, stimulating the immune system and burning heat sensitive pathogens like cancer and Lyme. Other therapies follow well after hyperthermia cessions making the body more receptive for healing. Low body temperature is linked to lower immune system. |
Hyperthermia therapy with an infrared sauna has a greater theraputiceffect when done in combination with the Frequency Specific Microcurrent during the cession or followed by PEMF, Bioresonance therapy or Ozone therapy.
Combined therapy approach energizes, strengthen and better detoxes the body as the patient is cooling off after the procedure. Many European doctors report that the hyperthermia treatments for cancer also reduced the viral load or destroyed Lyme bacteria and it's co-infections. Hyperthermia in our New York City clinic is done with a portable infrared sauna dome. Our infrared sauna is made of non toxic materials and extremely low EMF. Our infrared sauna is emitting 9.4 microns same as the human body to allow maximum absorption of far infrared lights. High output of healing far infrared wavelength for extra healing. The outside of the sauna is made from organic hemp. True Wave ll low EMF heating element inside the sauna. The "Truly Heal" company that deals with cancer therapies uses the exactly same hyperthermia sauna model as we do. Lyme disease and its co-infections may also be helped by hyperhtermia as spirochetes are heat sensitive and in most cases would die at high temperature. Whole body hyperthermia is a good form of therapy as many Lyme and cancer patients are weak and have low body temperature. |
How Cancer and Lyme Disease clients benefits from Hyperthermia Treatment
Heat shocks pathogens, cancer cells and spirochetes.
Your bone marrow produces more immune system help from cancer-fighting
white blood cells.
Strong, deep tissue detoxification from all types of toxins
Oxygenation of the whole body, deep detox.
Immune system boosting unmatched by any other treatment
Your bone marrow produces more immune system help from cancer-fighting
white blood cells.
Strong, deep tissue detoxification from all types of toxins
Oxygenation of the whole body, deep detox.
Immune system boosting unmatched by any other treatment
Hyerthermia Temperature
It requires a good cardio system to do hyperthermia, because of the high heat. Another aternative to hypethermia treatment owuld be an infrared ozone saunawherethe heat is very low.
In order to achieve pathogen destruction, many leading experts believe the core body temperature has to be in a range of 38.5 C and up. Many cancer clinics in Germany and American hospitals use hyperthermia treatments to fight cancer and Lyme disease.
In order to achieve pathogen destruction, many leading experts believe the core body temperature has to be in a range of 38.5 C and up. Many cancer clinics in Germany and American hospitals use hyperthermia treatments to fight cancer and Lyme disease.
Information provided here is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. See an MD regarding your medical condition. The FDA considers many aspects above mentioned treatments experimental and all the information presented here is for educational purposes. Even though electromagnetic cessions are considered safe all patients are encouraged to consult their MD regarding their condition.