Bioresonance Therapy in NYC
Bioresonance Therapy New York City Clinic
Bioresonance therapy is a safe, non-invasive form of electromagnetic treatment used in alternative and holistic medicine.
Bioresonance therapy in NYC at our clinic is based on skin conductivity measurements and correction of energetic abnormalities in your body.
Bioresonance machines measure the frequencies emitted by body cells and organs then corrects and fine-tune unhealthy organs and tissue to balance.
Bioresonance therapy in NYC at our clinic is based on skin conductivity measurements and correction of energetic abnormalities in your body.
Bioresonance machines measure the frequencies emitted by body cells and organs then corrects and fine-tune unhealthy organs and tissue to balance.
What is Bioresonance Therapy?
Electromagnetic oscillations (frequencies) radiated by the damaged organs vary from those emitted by healthy cells in shape and structure, because of their differences in DNA structure.
Bioresnance therapy machines cancel your harmful energy and correct it to electromagnetic frequncies that resonate with your body for healiing and recovery.
Bioresonance treatments promote ATP (energy) production and cellular and organ health.Bioresonance therapy was invented in Germany in 1977 by Franz Morell.
Bioresnance therapy machines cancel your harmful energy and correct it to electromagnetic frequncies that resonate with your body for healiing and recovery.
Bioresonance treatments promote ATP (energy) production and cellular and organ health.Bioresonance therapy was invented in Germany in 1977 by Franz Morell.
Applications of Bioresonance Therapy in our NYC Clinic
Digestive problems
Chronic fatigue
Respiratory problems,
Viruses, Parasites, Bacteria
(herpes, HPV)
Ticks (Lyme disease)
Immune system,
Detoxification of the body and organs
Cancer Support
Autoimmune disorders
Stress and and Insomnia
This form of energetic therapy helps your organs, endocrine system get balanced, and helps problems like insomnia, stress, depression, liver problems, reproductive issues, infertility and just about any diseases that human beings can have.
Digestive problems
Chronic fatigue
Respiratory problems,
Viruses, Parasites, Bacteria
(herpes, HPV)
Ticks (Lyme disease)
Immune system,
Detoxification of the body and organs
Cancer Support
Autoimmune disorders
Stress and and Insomnia
This form of energetic therapy helps your organs, endocrine system get balanced, and helps problems like insomnia, stress, depression, liver problems, reproductive issues, infertility and just about any diseases that human beings can have.
Why Choose Our Bioresonance Therapy Clinic
Mark Moshchinsky, a licensed acupuncturist in New York City, is a practitioner of bioresonance therapy with over 30 years of experience in holistic, alternative medicine, and electromedicine.
We offer free acupuncture with bioresonance or biofeedback therapies for better powerful results and address a wider variety or conditions.
At Tree of Life Acupuncture and Bioresonance Clinic, we have six bioresonance machines, allowing our clients to access a variety of electromagnetic programs for optimal results.
We carefully select the most suitable bioresonance machine for each client's condition, utilizing body scanning and evaluations based on Chinese medicine to gain a thorough understanding of their underlying health issues.
All bioresonance therapy treatments include complimentary acupuncture to enhance effectiveness, offering a comprehensive multi-layer treatment approach.
We offer free acupuncture with bioresonance or biofeedback therapies for better powerful results and address a wider variety or conditions.
At Tree of Life Acupuncture and Bioresonance Clinic, we have six bioresonance machines, allowing our clients to access a variety of electromagnetic programs for optimal results.
We carefully select the most suitable bioresonance machine for each client's condition, utilizing body scanning and evaluations based on Chinese medicine to gain a thorough understanding of their underlying health issues.
All bioresonance therapy treatments include complimentary acupuncture to enhance effectiveness, offering a comprehensive multi-layer treatment approach.
How Bioresonance Therapy Works?
Bioresonance therapy is often referred to as electrodermal testing (skin conductivity measurements), therapy, BIT (Bio-energetic information therapy), Energy medicine and Vibrational medicine.
Bioresonance therapy is based on energy, frequencies and vibrations being measured from your body and compared to healthy ranges and then harmonized to healing levels.
A bioresonance treatment is an electromagnetic form of therapy that uses frequencies that resonate with your body to achieve health.
Bioresonance therapy frequencies have no side effects and can be used by pregnant women and even infants.
In general bioresonance machines read your organ energy (energetic field, aura) and compare it against programs to identify pathogens, bacteria, viruses, body organ obnormalities and other human systems for diseases and energetic imbalances.
Bioresonance machines run electromagnetic frequencies or inversions (sick energy in reverse) to balance and reverse pathogens and bring organs to health and harmony. The balancing is delivered usually through the point of contact between the machine and the body.
Bioresonance therapy is based on energy, frequencies and vibrations being measured from your body and compared to healthy ranges and then harmonized to healing levels.
A bioresonance treatment is an electromagnetic form of therapy that uses frequencies that resonate with your body to achieve health.
Bioresonance therapy frequencies have no side effects and can be used by pregnant women and even infants.
In general bioresonance machines read your organ energy (energetic field, aura) and compare it against programs to identify pathogens, bacteria, viruses, body organ obnormalities and other human systems for diseases and energetic imbalances.
Bioresonance machines run electromagnetic frequencies or inversions (sick energy in reverse) to balance and reverse pathogens and bring organs to health and harmony. The balancing is delivered usually through the point of contact between the machine and the body.
How long is a bioresonance cession?
Initial therapy on an average lasts up to 90 to 120 minutes and follow up visits about 60 minutes. A typical cession also includes free acupuncture as stainless acupuncture needles are good conductors of electromagnetic energy generated by bioresonance machines.
How Many Cessions is needed?
It is common for clients to take 6 cessions to resolve their acute conditions and chronic conditions may require 10 cessions as a course of therapy and may need to be repeated. Your bioresonance practitioner will help you with your cession selection.
Most people feel better after each bioresonance cession, leaving calmer and more relaxed.
Some of our Bioresonance machines were used on clients as young as 5 years and up to 86 years of age.
Many of our bioresonance machines are classified as a medical device in Europe, but in America FDA classifies most as experimental. Some of the statements above have not been evaluated by the FDA and patients should seek advice of the Medical Doctor regarding their medical condition. All therapies described above are safe, holistic and non invasive.
Most people feel better after each bioresonance cession, leaving calmer and more relaxed.
Some of our Bioresonance machines were used on clients as young as 5 years and up to 86 years of age.
Many of our bioresonance machines are classified as a medical device in Europe, but in America FDA classifies most as experimental. Some of the statements above have not been evaluated by the FDA and patients should seek advice of the Medical Doctor regarding their medical condition. All therapies described above are safe, holistic and non invasive.
How Do Bioresonance Machines Get Information
Basically most of bioresonance machines measure person's electromagnetic field or energy from contact with your skin and based on that determine what to balance.
Some take measurements through hand held rods, some measure the heart variability rates, some through the head phone over the vagas nerve.
Some of the quantum bioresonance machines do not need to be attached to the body, they get their input though person's mental field and aura.
Some take measurements through hand held rods, some measure the heart variability rates, some through the head phone over the vagas nerve.
Some of the quantum bioresonance machines do not need to be attached to the body, they get their input though person's mental field and aura.
What You Feel During the Bioresonance Cession
Depending on the machine used, some people may feel a sense of relaxation, a little bit of gentle vibrations and some a little bit of fatigue as the body's energy adjusts and some machines make you feel refreshed and energized. All machines have no side effects.
Bioresonance Therapy Machines Used in Our Clinic
Our clinic specializes in Bioresonance therapy and electromagnetic therapy and we offer best machines for our patients healthcare needs.
Rayonex bioresonance machine PS1000 and PS10
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) by Time Waver
Does not fall under bioresonance definition, but it uses specific frequencies to help your body to communicate with other cells where communications is disrupted causing health issues.
FSM frequencies are created in a database created by a practitioner based on symptoms and patterns of the patient.
FSM technology is used successfully for pain management, endocrine system, reproductive system, cancer, cancer pains, as well as Lyme and its co-infections, prevention and health maintenance.
CME Bioresonance Machine
It scans the human body 10 times in 30 seconds. It uses a tiny sensor to scan the body and deliver vibrations.
This device can run up to 27 different functions at the same time that last 28 minutes.
NLS Biostar Bioresonance Therapy
The NLS bioresonance machine uses non linear technology and the vagus nerve to evaluate and deliver meta therapy, nosodes, sarcodes along with homeopathy and lethotherapy and phytotherapy (herbs).
The NLS system is great for evaluation and showing 3D organ pictures.
Eductor Biofeedback / Bioresonance Therapy
TimeWaver Quantum Bioresonance Therapy
Core Logic Bioresonance Machine
Based on quantum Physics, uses frequency therapy, RIFE machine frequencies, homeopathy and has a lot of psychosomatic evaluations, uses Chinese medicinal concepts.
Rayonex bioresonance machine PS1000 and PS10
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) by Time Waver
Does not fall under bioresonance definition, but it uses specific frequencies to help your body to communicate with other cells where communications is disrupted causing health issues.
FSM frequencies are created in a database created by a practitioner based on symptoms and patterns of the patient.
FSM technology is used successfully for pain management, endocrine system, reproductive system, cancer, cancer pains, as well as Lyme and its co-infections, prevention and health maintenance.
CME Bioresonance Machine
It scans the human body 10 times in 30 seconds. It uses a tiny sensor to scan the body and deliver vibrations.
This device can run up to 27 different functions at the same time that last 28 minutes.
NLS Biostar Bioresonance Therapy
The NLS bioresonance machine uses non linear technology and the vagus nerve to evaluate and deliver meta therapy, nosodes, sarcodes along with homeopathy and lethotherapy and phytotherapy (herbs).
The NLS system is great for evaluation and showing 3D organ pictures.
Eductor Biofeedback / Bioresonance Therapy
TimeWaver Quantum Bioresonance Therapy
Core Logic Bioresonance Machine
Based on quantum Physics, uses frequency therapy, RIFE machine frequencies, homeopathy and has a lot of psychosomatic evaluations, uses Chinese medicinal concepts.
Life Balance Bioresonance Machine is a cloud based comprehensive testing and report rich system.
It' based on electromagnetic skin conductivity measurements.
It allows patients who live far or need frequent visits for chronic medical conditions to use portable electromagnetic devices with personalized programs that can be used at any time, by simply putting one in your pocket or under your pillow.
It' based on electromagnetic skin conductivity measurements.
It allows patients who live far or need frequent visits for chronic medical conditions to use portable electromagnetic devices with personalized programs that can be used at any time, by simply putting one in your pocket or under your pillow.