Bioresonance treatments involve the energetic evaluation of your body and organs based on your skin conductivity
According to bio-resonance theory every matter (physical body, healthy or sick organs, blood, thinking brain, diseases, parasites) has energy-specific electromagnetic oscillations that can be measured by bioresonance machines and balanced to health.
Bioresonance therapy in our NYC clinic involves scanning your body using one of or bioresonance machines to analyze and detect out-of-harmony frequencies emitted by your organs.
Once evaluation of the bioreonance scan is completed the machine and the bioresonance practitioner evaluate the results and corrective electromagnetic adjustments into your body will be transmitted to harmonize organs with proper frequencies, just like a tuning fork tunes the piano.
Our clinic has 7 bioresonance machines. Some of our machines generate customized frequencies and homeopathic remedies that can be transmitted onto your body or taken orally to help your body, mind and immune system heal.
We match our client's needs with the right energetic therapy protocol to balance your body to health and wellness. Learn about commonly asked bioresonance questions.
Some of our machines work on the principles of quantum physics and the science of radionics which work with electromagnetic fields like an "Aura" and electromagnetic body vibrations.
Bioresonance Body Scan
A bioresonance scan of your body gathers needed information to determine wich cells, organs have distorted frequencies, so the bioresonance machine can correct them.
Most bioresonance machines have attachments that establish conductivity with the patient's skin to read organs and body vibrations. Some bioresonance machines have conductive sheets, some attach electrodes to your head and hands and some have only holding rods.
Herpes (HSV1 and HSV2) and HPV Bioresonance frequencies have genital herpes and oral herpes to reduce the inflammation, harmonise and put the virus into remission.
Skin conditions Autoimmune disorders A lot of people seek Bioresonance therapy and Homeopathic medicines for Lyme disease, Hepatitis and Liver problemsor detox, Chronic Fatigue and many other conditions.
Some of our Bioresonance machines have a database of over 100,000 items of resonant conditions. Many of our machinese do chakras analysis as well as pathogens and toxicity.
Bioresonance Energy asessment
Bioresonance machines do energetic analysis to tetermine your body's energetic vitality. Some bioresonance machines give you a number and some analyze your chakras.
Bioresonance scan can show toxins in the body in a form of either metals, parasites, bacteria or even imptional toxisity, if someone overthinks.
Magnetic Applicators
Bioresonance machine can be used for Depression and mood swings as well as any kind of pains, inflammation or neurological disorders.
Our Bioresonance machines have an extensive homeopathic library as well as nosodes and sarcodes which can be imprinted along with rife and other electromagnetic frequencies for a variety of medical conditions.
Homeopathic medicines are made by the electromagnetic transfer and often given for patients to maximize healing results and balanced the body.
Bioresonance therapy can evaluate your mental and emotional state and make many recommendations for a healthier Body, Mind, Spirit.
Information provided here is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. If in doubt see an MD regarding your medical condition. The FDA considers many aspects above mentioned treatments experimental and all the information presented here is for educational purposes. Even though electromagnetic cessions are considered safe all patients are encouraged to consult their MD regarding their condition.