Acupuncture Treatments for Migraine and Headache in NYC
Acupuncture works for migraine headaches, tension headaches, cluster headaches, post-traumatic headaches, and disease-related headaches due to stress or blockage of energy in acupuncture channels.
Migraine and headache acupuncture treatments in NYC at our clinic are aimed at promoting circulation of blood and energy in painful areas on the head to reduce the pain and inflammation.
Additional therapies like Chinese herbs, Homeopathy, Bioresonance and PEMF machines ( FDA approved for migraine treatments.) may further help reduce the pain of migraines.
Acupuncture meridians run all around the head and can help behind the eye pains, one sided and bilateral headaches, occipital and frontal migraines.
According to TCM and Acupuncture migraines and headaches in women can offten be associateed with a menstrual cycle.
In that case regulating the mentrual cycle using the liver energy will help reduce or illiminate the pain.
Migraine and headache acupuncture treatments in NYC at our clinic are aimed at promoting circulation of blood and energy in painful areas on the head to reduce the pain and inflammation.
Additional therapies like Chinese herbs, Homeopathy, Bioresonance and PEMF machines ( FDA approved for migraine treatments.) may further help reduce the pain of migraines.
Acupuncture meridians run all around the head and can help behind the eye pains, one sided and bilateral headaches, occipital and frontal migraines.
According to TCM and Acupuncture migraines and headaches in women can offten be associateed with a menstrual cycle.
In that case regulating the mentrual cycle using the liver energy will help reduce or illiminate the pain.
Acupuncture migraine and headache treatments at our New York City clinic focus on reducing the pain
by balancing internal organs and promoting circulaton of energy and blood to the head.
There are a lot of acupoints on the head and when the energy on the head is blocked, headaches or migraines occur. Some people suffer from migraines or headaches that occur periodically, and some seasonally and some have triggers like alcohol, stress, light, noise or certain foods.
Fast paced New York City lifestyle with lack of sleep and poor diet can deliver a tension and migraine headache on its own.
There are many different migraine and headache treatment methods, ours mostly come from Master Tung's family acupuncture where needles are inserted in extremities. Some people get migraine relief in a short time and for most it is a gradual treatment process.
Migraine and tension headache treatments in acupuncture are often diagnosed according to the physical location and its corresponding energetic properties and quality of pain.
Time of the day, seasonal, one-sided or bilateral headaches are all classified in specific categories which relate to particular organs and
Chinese Channels or Meridians(energetic pathways).
by balancing internal organs and promoting circulaton of energy and blood to the head.
There are a lot of acupoints on the head and when the energy on the head is blocked, headaches or migraines occur. Some people suffer from migraines or headaches that occur periodically, and some seasonally and some have triggers like alcohol, stress, light, noise or certain foods.
Fast paced New York City lifestyle with lack of sleep and poor diet can deliver a tension and migraine headache on its own.
There are many different migraine and headache treatment methods, ours mostly come from Master Tung's family acupuncture where needles are inserted in extremities. Some people get migraine relief in a short time and for most it is a gradual treatment process.
Migraine and tension headache treatments in acupuncture are often diagnosed according to the physical location and its corresponding energetic properties and quality of pain.
Time of the day, seasonal, one-sided or bilateral headaches are all classified in specific categories which relate to particular organs and
Chinese Channels or Meridians(energetic pathways).
Frontal Headaches, Occipital and Lateral Headache treatments
Frontal and sinus pain according to acupuncture theory is usually associated with stomach and large intestine or even the lung blocked energies (or possible digestive disorders), a lateral type of headache or one-sided pains ( often migraines )
belong to the gallbladder area.
Occipital Headaches in Chinese Medicine often relate to the Urinary Bladder and Small Intestine acupuncture channels and top of the head is usually Liver-related. (It does not necessarily mean that the person experiencing these pains has an organ problem, but rather it represents blockage of energy in a particular organ channel which results in discomfort and pain.)
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraine treatments can reduce energetic blockages and reduce or eliminate the pain and dependence on pain medication and its side effects. Some headache types especially chronic migraines
may take longer to treat.
Special Acupuncture procedures can be done to relieve the pain and suffering.
Spring time can often bring a strong onset of pain.
Headache and Migraine treatments at our clinic helped many clients to achieve less pain, better focus and sleep. Because the head houses the most important asset we have, the brain, it's important to have it pain-free.
Acupuncture can clear your mind and head. Give us a try and feel better.
Acupuncture successfully treats all types of headaches. The easiest type to treat with acupuncture is a tension headache. Even though a migraine type headache can be challenging, nevertheless, any noticeable relief from migraines may bring enhanced quality of life.
belong to the gallbladder area.
Occipital Headaches in Chinese Medicine often relate to the Urinary Bladder and Small Intestine acupuncture channels and top of the head is usually Liver-related. (It does not necessarily mean that the person experiencing these pains has an organ problem, but rather it represents blockage of energy in a particular organ channel which results in discomfort and pain.)
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraine treatments can reduce energetic blockages and reduce or eliminate the pain and dependence on pain medication and its side effects. Some headache types especially chronic migraines
may take longer to treat.
Special Acupuncture procedures can be done to relieve the pain and suffering.
Spring time can often bring a strong onset of pain.
Headache and Migraine treatments at our clinic helped many clients to achieve less pain, better focus and sleep. Because the head houses the most important asset we have, the brain, it's important to have it pain-free.
Acupuncture can clear your mind and head. Give us a try and feel better.
Acupuncture successfully treats all types of headaches. The easiest type to treat with acupuncture is a tension headache. Even though a migraine type headache can be challenging, nevertheless, any noticeable relief from migraines may bring enhanced quality of life.
For Migraine and Tension Headache Acupuncture Treatments Call 212-533-1192