Biofeedback therapy device can teach you mind, body, and muscles to relax, reduce blood pressure, stress and anxiety.
It improves internal organs, health and immune system of your body.
Eductor biofeedback/bio resonance machine in our NYC clinic uses scalar waves
(subtle energy that produces healing) beneficial to yiur health.
Biofeedback therapy with our device helps to enhance your body's energy or aura and
regulates your brain waves and balance internal organs to health.
Eductor biofeedback and bioresonance machine does vibrational, homeopathic and frequency balancing.
Electroencephalogram (EEG ) Brain wave variability analysis).
ECG (Heart variability analysis and balancing) and Generates Homeopathic Medicines.
This biofeedback device with bio resonance capabilities to reduce stress, addictions and balance the entire human body on the physical, metal and spiritual levels.
It improves internal organs, health and immune system of your body.
Eductor biofeedback/bio resonance machine in our NYC clinic uses scalar waves
(subtle energy that produces healing) beneficial to yiur health.
Biofeedback therapy with our device helps to enhance your body's energy or aura and
regulates your brain waves and balance internal organs to health.
Eductor biofeedback and bioresonance machine does vibrational, homeopathic and frequency balancing.
Electroencephalogram (EEG ) Brain wave variability analysis).
ECG (Heart variability analysis and balancing) and Generates Homeopathic Medicines.
This biofeedback device with bio resonance capabilities to reduce stress, addictions and balance the entire human body on the physical, metal and spiritual levels.
EDUCTOR quantum biofeedback / bioresonance machine
Eductor is a state of the art biofeedback training device equipped with Biofeedback, Bioresonance, Frequency Therapy, Homeopathy, Chirppractic like spinal energy adjustment program and many other holistic and complimentary medicine functions to help you restore your mental, emotional and physical health.
The Eductor quantum biofeedback machine has a skeletal alignment system energetically balancing spinal vertebrae.
The system has chakra energy balancing and calibrating. The biofeedback machine was designed to detect and reduce stress on the physical, mental and emotional levels.
The Eductor quantum biofeedback machine has a skeletal alignment system energetically balancing spinal vertebrae.
The system has chakra energy balancing and calibrating. The biofeedback machine was designed to detect and reduce stress on the physical, mental and emotional levels.
What is Biofeedback Therapy?
Biofeedback is a process using electronic monitoring device for a bodily function to train a client to acquire voluntary control of body/mind functions. In short, biofeedback is a training device helping you learn to do things better in your daily activities and Life.
Biofeedback for Spine Pain and Back and Neck Pain
Our biofeedback machine has a great sophisticated spine program that checks each and every vertebrae in your spine and electronically helps adjust it to maximum range of motion. A lot of our clients including me had less pain and greater range of motion in the spine. The machine also has muscle relaxation, pain and bone programs to help adjust the skeletal and muscular systems.
What can EDUCTOR Biofeedback machine help with?
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Reduce pain caused by stress
Works with Lyme disease
Lyme co-infections, strengthens effected organs
Reduce Stress & Emotional Blockages
Reduce stress & allergies
Help reduce addictive habits
Restore Energetic Balance
Improve the immune system
Improve Self-Esteem
Facilitate Conflict Resolution
Balance the Aura and Chakras
Reduce pain caused by stress
Works with Lyme disease
Lyme co-infections, strengthens effected organs
Reduce Stress & Emotional Blockages
Reduce stress & allergies
Help reduce addictive habits
Restore Energetic Balance
Improve the immune system
Improve Self-Esteem
Facilitate Conflict Resolution
Balance the Aura and Chakras
Electroencephalogram (EEG ) Therapy. Brain Wave Analysis
Electroencephalography therapy (EEG) is an evaluation method to record the electrical activity on the scalp.
EEG using bioresonance/ biofeedback therapy machine is very relaxing and may balance the brain to more harmonious functioning.
Many of our patients fall asleep during this type of electromagnetic therapy.
EEG using bioresonance/ biofeedback therapy machine is very relaxing and may balance the brain to more harmonious functioning.
Many of our patients fall asleep during this type of electromagnetic therapy.
Does Insurance Pay for Biofeedback?
Check with your provider, some insurances pay for biofeedback. Our office can give paperwork to get reimbursed by your medical insurance.