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Call or Text (917) 613-8810
After many years of practicing acupuncture in New York City many clients would ask me how Chinese Acupuncture works. So I decided to write and expanded explanation
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Point of View. Ancient Chinese believed that there is healing, invisible to the human eye energy called (Qi or Chi) circulates in the body. This Qi circulates in pathways called channels (sometimes called meridians). These meridians run individually in each organ all over the body. Each organ has its own pathway, which crosses its path with other meridians and attaches to corresponding organs.
By stimulating meridians with acupuncture needles, this energy starts moving around channels. If energy and blood in the body are stagnant, we get sick. By circulating or "moving Qi", we reinvigorate the body's natural defenses and that is how our system gets back to health. That is why exercising and leading an active lifestyle is beneficial to your health.
Acupuncture from Western Point of View
It works by stimulating body's natural healing powers and helps the immune system by releasing natural painkillers (endorphins, dopamine, etc.) balancing the endocrine system, affecting spastic muscles and trigger points.
When an acupuncture needle is inserted into the body, the body "thinks" it is being "attacked" and defends the body by activating the immune system and its healing properties. Needle insertion often produces slight muscle twitching that can be accompanied by a numbing or electric traveling sensation at the site of insertion or along the acupuncture channel.
Moxa (heat stimulation)
Another form of acupuncture points stimulation is moxibustion.
Moxa is heat stimulation of acupuncture points on the body verses mechanical stimulation of acupuncture points with the needle. Moxa stick is most commonly used form of heat in acupuncture and consists mainly of mugwort herb.
Moxa therapy is good for pain and any weak conditions.
Nerve Ending Acupuncture Stimulation
Most acupoints, especially used in our style (Master Tung's Acupuncture) are located on the extremities (from toes to the knee and from fingers to the elbow). When an acupuncture needle enters the skin, it also stimulates the nerve endings. Most acupuncture points are at or near rich supply of nerves. This stimulation, in turn, sends an impulse to the brain and the brain triggers healing mechanisms.
Acupuncture Body Memory
Also, a microscopic needle penetrated skin holes in the body require body's healing and create a memory in the brain that allows for longer healing after the needles are removed from the body. It is said that it takes about 72 hours to completely heal acupuncture micropuncture sites. That is why in many cases, treatments are repeated up to 2 or 3 times a week in certain cases.
According to the Acupuncture Theory of Five Elements, certain seasons correspond to certain organs and certain organs relate to certain acupuncture points. Even Chinese Acupuncture Meridian Clock has certain hours assigned to certain organs and in turn, certain acupuncture points that can be stimulated to provide health and balance in the body, mind and spirit. However, most of the time acupoints are selected and stimulated according to the energy of the blocked meridian or energetic pathway.
So when is it good to do Acupuncture ?
Anytime, especially as prevention, when you are really healthy and want to live longer and better. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of medicine.
Acupuncture is one of the safest and most effective methods to balance the body and bring it to harmony and treatments are painless and effective. We are doing what we like best, helping people get better, you and your loved ones. One client at a time. When the body feels the needle stimulation, it produces powerful substances by the brain to help unblock and promote the flow of healthy energy based on principles of Yin & Yang.
Acupoints are nerve rich areas, when stimulated by a needle send signals to produce powerful healing in your body, mind, spirit and balance your energy and blood in all the internal organs and muscles. Very thin, disposable needles are used to stimulate energy (Qi) on the surface of the skin abundantly flowing in pathways called channels or meridians. Chinese medicine is proven over centuries to effectively treat many health problems.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Point of View. Ancient Chinese believed that there is healing, invisible to the human eye energy called (Qi or Chi) circulates in the body. This Qi circulates in pathways called channels (sometimes called meridians). These meridians run individually in each organ all over the body. Each organ has its own pathway, which crosses its path with other meridians and attaches to corresponding organs.
By stimulating meridians with acupuncture needles, this energy starts moving around channels. If energy and blood in the body are stagnant, we get sick. By circulating or "moving Qi", we reinvigorate the body's natural defenses and that is how our system gets back to health. That is why exercising and leading an active lifestyle is beneficial to your health.
Acupuncture from Western Point of View
It works by stimulating body's natural healing powers and helps the immune system by releasing natural painkillers (endorphins, dopamine, etc.) balancing the endocrine system, affecting spastic muscles and trigger points.
When an acupuncture needle is inserted into the body, the body "thinks" it is being "attacked" and defends the body by activating the immune system and its healing properties. Needle insertion often produces slight muscle twitching that can be accompanied by a numbing or electric traveling sensation at the site of insertion or along the acupuncture channel.
Moxa (heat stimulation)
Another form of acupuncture points stimulation is moxibustion.
Moxa is heat stimulation of acupuncture points on the body verses mechanical stimulation of acupuncture points with the needle. Moxa stick is most commonly used form of heat in acupuncture and consists mainly of mugwort herb.
Moxa therapy is good for pain and any weak conditions.
Nerve Ending Acupuncture Stimulation
Most acupoints, especially used in our style (Master Tung's Acupuncture) are located on the extremities (from toes to the knee and from fingers to the elbow). When an acupuncture needle enters the skin, it also stimulates the nerve endings. Most acupuncture points are at or near rich supply of nerves. This stimulation, in turn, sends an impulse to the brain and the brain triggers healing mechanisms.
Acupuncture Body Memory
Also, a microscopic needle penetrated skin holes in the body require body's healing and create a memory in the brain that allows for longer healing after the needles are removed from the body. It is said that it takes about 72 hours to completely heal acupuncture micropuncture sites. That is why in many cases, treatments are repeated up to 2 or 3 times a week in certain cases.
According to the Acupuncture Theory of Five Elements, certain seasons correspond to certain organs and certain organs relate to certain acupuncture points. Even Chinese Acupuncture Meridian Clock has certain hours assigned to certain organs and in turn, certain acupuncture points that can be stimulated to provide health and balance in the body, mind and spirit. However, most of the time acupoints are selected and stimulated according to the energy of the blocked meridian or energetic pathway.
So when is it good to do Acupuncture ?
Anytime, especially as prevention, when you are really healthy and want to live longer and better. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of medicine.
Acupuncture is one of the safest and most effective methods to balance the body and bring it to harmony and treatments are painless and effective. We are doing what we like best, helping people get better, you and your loved ones. One client at a time. When the body feels the needle stimulation, it produces powerful substances by the brain to help unblock and promote the flow of healthy energy based on principles of Yin & Yang.
Acupoints are nerve rich areas, when stimulated by a needle send signals to produce powerful healing in your body, mind, spirit and balance your energy and blood in all the internal organs and muscles. Very thin, disposable needles are used to stimulate energy (Qi) on the surface of the skin abundantly flowing in pathways called channels or meridians. Chinese medicine is proven over centuries to effectively treat many health problems.