Acupuncture for Cancer in NYC
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have a hystory of cancer treatment and support for Chemotherapy and Radiation.
Acupuncture for cancer in NYC at our clinic works with all types of cancers using Chinese medicine and electromedicine to stimulate the immune system, reduce side effects of traditional cancer treatments such as chemo and radiaton, detoxing the body and organs as well as promoting circulation of blood and energy.
Cancer tumors are viewed in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as a stagnation of phlegm, blood and energy bundled together.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine helps cancer clients natural and holistic approach to improving your odds of recovery and getting into remission.
Chinses Herbs and Acupuncture Benefits:
* Reduction of Pain
* Detoxification of the body and organs (after Chemotherapy and Radiation)
* Strengthening of the Immune System
* Improved mental states, reduction of depression and anxiety
* Post-surgical recovery
*Natural and alternative cancer therapy
* Reduction of insomnia and deeper sleep
Acupuncture for cancer in NYC at our clinic works with all types of cancers using Chinese medicine and electromedicine to stimulate the immune system, reduce side effects of traditional cancer treatments such as chemo and radiaton, detoxing the body and organs as well as promoting circulation of blood and energy.
Cancer tumors are viewed in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as a stagnation of phlegm, blood and energy bundled together.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine helps cancer clients natural and holistic approach to improving your odds of recovery and getting into remission.
Chinses Herbs and Acupuncture Benefits:
* Reduction of Pain
* Detoxification of the body and organs (after Chemotherapy and Radiation)
* Strengthening of the Immune System
* Improved mental states, reduction of depression and anxiety
* Post-surgical recovery
*Natural and alternative cancer therapy
* Reduction of insomnia and deeper sleep
Acupuncture Cancer Benefits
Acupuncture benefits cancer patients by promoting the circulaton of blood and energy, strengthening of the immune system, reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy (nausea, fatigue, vomiting, stress, body pains, depression).
Acupuncture cancer treatments in our NYC clinic can help cancer survivors inhance thier health and quality of Life.
Stress - many cancer patients experience stress, insomnia. Acupuncture can reduce stress and realax the muscles.
Depression/Enxiety - In cancer patients depression and low spirits can be relieved by acupuncture which promotes dopamine and endorphines.
Fatigue - if often observed due to chemo or radiation therapy which can drain patient's energy. Acupuncture treatments can regulate the flow of energy in the body and organs.
Nausea, vomiting - Special acupuncture points can reduce nausea due to toxicity of cancer medications or chemo or radiation therapy.
Our style of acupuncture is called Master Tung's acupuncture method and uses few needles for maximum activation of vital energy and has cancer specific points for balancing vitalenergy.
Acupuncture cancer treatments in our NYC clinic can help cancer survivors inhance thier health and quality of Life.
Stress - many cancer patients experience stress, insomnia. Acupuncture can reduce stress and realax the muscles.
Depression/Enxiety - In cancer patients depression and low spirits can be relieved by acupuncture which promotes dopamine and endorphines.
Fatigue - if often observed due to chemo or radiation therapy which can drain patient's energy. Acupuncture treatments can regulate the flow of energy in the body and organs.
Nausea, vomiting - Special acupuncture points can reduce nausea due to toxicity of cancer medications or chemo or radiation therapy.
Our style of acupuncture is called Master Tung's acupuncture method and uses few needles for maximum activation of vital energy and has cancer specific points for balancing vitalenergy.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can Improve Cancer related Symptoms
Acupuncture is used to treat many symptoms and conditions associated with cancer from stage one to stage 4 and the side effects of cancer treatments. A number of large cancer centers in the USA have incorporated acupuncture for cancer treatment, support and post side effects of conventional cancer treatments.
There are several well-done studies have shown that acupuncture is effective for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, cancer-related pain, chemotherapy-related neuropathy, post-chemo and radiation-induced nausea and vomiting as well as cancer-induced fatigue.
There are several well-done studies have shown that acupuncture is effective for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, cancer-related pain, chemotherapy-related neuropathy, post-chemo and radiation-induced nausea and vomiting as well as cancer-induced fatigue.